Brian and Jessica
After a very busy holiday season, Brian and I enjoyed some downtime this month. We’ve taken advantage of our college football free Saturdays and spent some time at the beach and taking some nice hikes. We also headed to Lake Tahoe last weekend. It was gorgeous as usual, but the weekend went by too quickly if you ask me. They hadn’t had snow for several weeks, so our plans to try cross country skiing were foiled. But we still got some nice pictures! Other than that, we’ve been doing the usual – work work work! I also had an orthodontic disaster come to a head this month, which I’m now trying to correct by transferring care to someone else. At least I have a little break from the braces and appliances that I’ve been dealing with for the last couple of month. Bring on the burgers and caramel apples. Other than that, Brian has been enjoying the BYU men’s basketball success (my Badgers aren’t doing so bad themselves…not to mention my PACKERS!) and things are overall really good!
Steve and Sharon
Nothing happened in January. It was cold and snowy....minus 11!!!
Basketball has continued on at full tilt. I tossed a high school coach for the first time in 20 years. I have been to Colorado Springs, Durango, Grand Junction, and all over the Western slope. In the next few weeks the playoffs will begin with the state tournament not far behind. This is my 24th year of officiating and I never stopped learning.
Oh yeah, I had a birthday this month, too. I feel so much better now.
Sharon and Brittany keep working on wedding and plans for this April. It is way too much detail for me to care about. Just tell me how much its going to cost me and my work is done.
Kelly has joined us back in the house again saving us a lot of extra rent. She is hoping to find a job soon so she can start to pay some of her own bills.
I was selected by the county to serve on the hospital board of trustees. That should create plenty of controversy for the next few months. A lot of people don't like it when others gain positions of authority. So while I'm trying to make a positive impact on our community, others try to break me down. I look forward to the challenge.
Rachel and Mark
January was a beautiful month with lots of sunny days and the temperatures weren't all that bad either. Some of this submission may also include the beginning of February but that's how it goes when you get old- the days just start to run into one another. Alex started basketball, again, and was really put out when his coach tried him at wing for the 2nd game. Alex couldn't quite take it and had to bring the ball up the court a few times and show the coach that he needed to be point by driving to the basket a few times. Alex is back at point now and couldn't be happier. And now for the biggest news- Mark got the basketball hoop finished and it is still standing upright in the front yard! Unlike the pergola, this 1,000lb hoop may just withstand the wind storms around here.
Wow, I haven't sent anything into the newsletter in forever. Sorry for the absence. Busy is an understatement at our house lately. Will continues to plug away at his shop and decided to move shops. We are super excited about that because the new shop has a big office area that we are going to set up to be a little more customer and family friendly. We are going to take over one of our couches and TV in there so when the kids go to the shop they aren't picking up all the dangerous stuff and climbing all over the four wheelers and motorcycles. The new shop is also right on a main road. Excellent exposure! We are excited to see how this will improve business.
Will has been also working at Home Depot for some extra change. Even though he has been running like crazy and rarely has time to be home, he seems to like Home Depot for the most part. There are some awesome people there who just all happen to have four wheelers and motorcycles. They go four wheeling together and do fun things, so hopefully one of these times Will will have time to go.
I continue to work on my Master's degree in health administration at night after the kids are in bed, while I work at the hospital for part of the day and enjoy my children the rest of the time.
Kaleb is growing like crazy. He is so smart. He is becoming more of a "big kid" in that he is understanding feeling a lot more. That makes me sad he says, or does that make you happy mom, he says. He has discovered how fun the computer can be and also that XBox games can be fun, especially if it involves anything with a motor. Wonder where he gets that from? Kaleb tries to be the mom so often around here, trying to decipline the twins. The funny thing is Kimberly listens to him, or she puts herself in the corner when she is in trouble. She cracks me up.
Kimberly is doing great. Even though she seems to always have a snotty nose, I blame that on her thumb sucking, she has been growing and learning a ton. She has learned a ton of words already and loves babydolls. She is such a girl. The other day I tried to put pants on her and she threw a fit because she wanted to wear a dress. Or if you touch her shoes she freaks out. Exhausting as it may be, it is kind of cute right now.
Thomas is my adventure boy. He loves to ride this little bike we have all over the place. If the door to outside is open he is out the door before I can turn around. He loves to be outside. He tries riding up onto the couch, off the curb outside, and down any hill he can find. I definitely have to watch him.
Both Kim and Tom never stays off the kitchen table. I think they like the feeling of being up high where they can see everything that is on the counter in the kitchen. They are both so cute together. One morning Thomas had been up for a couple hours and Kimberly finally woke up so I brought her out and set her on the couch and Thomas came over with a muffin I had for him and started feeding Kimberly. Then he runs over to his milk and brought it to Kimberly. They are always watching each others back, but they still have their sibling spats over sharing usually.
Even though we barely had our fair share of snow, our favorite past time now that it is getting a little warmer around here, is going to the park. The twins try to keep up with Kaleb, no matter how hard or high the toys get. It is quite the challenge to keep track of all the kids when they decide they all want to do something different. Well, that is pretty much it for our family.
Peggy and Roger
Mom and Dad
After all the excitement of the holidays, January seems so laid back and slow. We have done very little, except work on projects and go to the doctors. One guy at the lab said, “It’s pretty bad when you social life is going to various doctors.” And, that has been very true for us this month. Dad has been getting a few things off his “honey-do” list, but other projects are quickly taking their places. So although he is accomplishing things, the list just isn’t getting shorter. The snow is slowly leaving the mountain tops and he is really ready to start planting his garden. I keep telling him, “not yet – snow is still on the Owyhee Mts.” We have enjoyed watching Alex play basketball on Saturdays. It sure brings back some fun memories.
So that is about it for January –Happy Valentine’s to all of you,
Becky and Christian
I don't really remember what we did this last month. I worked a ton. Tax season is here and people still can't figure them out. We have been so slammed. Job security right and it is months like this that I am glad to be on hourly. The company is still really good to work for which is so helpful.
Christian is doing really well at staying on top of things at home. He is even doing homework with Brenten, grocery shopping and doctors appointments. He is having a hard time as there just aren't that many jobs out there right now. It's okay I know there is a plan for us and we will just keep working hard until something comes along and works out.
Christian and I are playing indoor soccer and it has been so fun. I am really working on my skills. Christian is still good and loves anytime he can get on the field. It is weird but it feels really good to run until you think you are going to throw up and then run some more. I can't say we are having a winning season but we are improving and getting a lot of really good shots. We are hoping things will start pulling together for our second season.
The kids are great. Brenten is doing great in school and loves it and now Landon is starting to realize that Kindergarten isn't that far away. Cait is nearly 2 (well she is 2 but I will post that for next month) and she thinks she is a teenager.
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