Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 2010

January was interesting. I had no job offers in the Goldendale/The Dalles area after applying for the last 11 weeks and then all the sudden I get three job offers. Fortunately for me, Mark offered me more hours and so I had to turn them all down.

I was able to spend some time in Idaho and trying to figure out what my role is going to be in the business. It's exciting to make some positive changes in my life and be close to family.

I spent some time with Jess for a couple of weeks before she headed on to California on a new adventure in her life. I also have been able to spend some time with Mandy and her family lately. Her little boy will be a year on March 30th. He's very adorable and happy all the time. It's been fun getting to know them.

My biggest house project to finish up is the main bath. I just have a little tiling to do and hopefully it will be beautiful. So far I love it and I have learned a ton thanks to Dad and Dennis coaching and helping me through it all.

I hope every has a fabulous Valentines day. Love you all!

Mark has been traveling a lot this month. He spent some time in New York and went to see his first Broadway show. He also walked around Times Square and saw the sites of NYC. Then he went to Chicago a few times. When he is home he is on the phone doing some more deals and greasing the wheels of business. As usual, there is always things going on at our house.

Alex is now in basketball and is working hard at improving his skills. They are undefeated in the loss category but he is improving and getting more confidence with the ball and how to move without it. Saturdays are spent at the gym and we love it.

The other kids are up to their usual antics. Eric got three stitches to the chin when he climbed and fell. Lauren lost her first tooth- rather it was removed by the dentist. Alyssa is climbing everywhere and is talking a bunch. The did some testing on her for her smallness but she is totally normal so she is just petite.

I have started painting the house. It is coming along very slowly. There are pictures on Facebook if you want to see it. I am also running seriously to try and do a 5K, 10K, and a 1/2 marathon this year. Anybody else want to join the challenge? I guess that is all that is really going on.

Wild Horse Sawyers

Mom and Dad
2010 has not begun like I had hoped. Due to aches and pains and doctor's appointments we haven't done much. One more month and Dad gets his walking boot. He can hardly wait! While he is home bound he has been catching up on some family history and some computer work. It is too bad football is about over - Olympics will have to take its place for February.
Mom has been trying to get some things caught up before her back surgery on the 25th of February. She repainted our bedroom and gave it a whole new look and has been putting together some sewing and scrapbooking projects for those recovering times.
Happy Valentine's Day
Mom and Dad

What did we do in January. It was busy that is for sure. In someways we were getting back to normal from all the holidays but then there was so much else going on I nearly forgot about the newsletter all together.

Brenten started his second half of Kindergarten. He was excited to get back. He is doing so well in school. He is learning to read and that has been so fun. I thought I would get so impatient with it but for the most part we have had a lot of fun together with it. It is really fun for him to try to teach Landon to read his books. He is way above where he needs to be at the end of the school year so we are looking at that as a definite positive.

Jazzi moved out mid way through the month. We miss her but hope she is having fun and doing well. It has been nice to get back into a routine. The boys are excited because now they have a little art room. Really that was because I was tired of friends coming over and trashing the place with paints and chalk so now it is out of site from visitors.

Landon is just being 3. He is doing great but nothing new is going on with him.

Cait is nearly one and is now doing well. We had a little bit of a rough month with her. She got sick and she was so sad. She didn't eat or drink or anything and just laid on the couch. What 11 month old is content to not move for hours and hours. We went to the doctor and she had RSV. She ended up being hospitalized for dehydration. It was there we found out she also had pneumonia and ear infections. No fun. But her hospital gown was so cute on her. We only had to be there for about 24 hours. The fluids where a huge help. She is doing so well now. We are happy for that.

Christian is working like crazy. They are getting a little more business and so he has had a lot to do. I am definitely not complaining. It means he has work for another couple of months. The business has been struggling so we are hoping this is going to be a turning point. Christian has also been working on a climbing wall in the garage. He is doing such a great job. We are excited to get the climbing shoes out and give it a try. He has been going to the gym and playing basketball too. We are trying to be in good shape even though the winter.

Aside from taking care of sick babies and homework and the house, I have been trying to be active. I have been working out really hard and am finally seeing results on the scale. I don't usually talk about it, I guess, because weight is such a taboo subject. But not anymore. I am talking about it because it really helps. Even if nobody calls me out on it, it makes me so much more accountable for what I eat. Working out is easy for me. I love it. I love being strong and lean. But eating is a whole other thing. I am 5lbs down from pre cait weight. Wahoo but I was another 6-7lbs down to be at pre Landon (which is my smallest since being married). I am hoping to be down another 3 lbs by the next time I write this newsletter. Wish me luck.

I have also been playing stake basketball and then pick up volleyball. It has been nice to find some women who want to get together and be active. I love it.

I hope everyone is doing great. Love you all.

The Weavs

Well, is it sad that every picture I have of me for the last couple months is me laying on the couch with at least one of my kids laying on me. I guess that tells you what I have been up to. I have been enjoying watching the kids grow and then working at the hospital. I also have been in the process of applying to college to get my Master's Degree in Health Administration. I feel like I am always running and rushing to get things accomplished; dishes, laundry, groceries, doctor appointments, etc. Time is definitely flying by way too fast for me. Oh yeah, I just recently applied for a manager position at Southern Utah Behavioral Health Clinic. I have already gone through two interviews and have to meet with the physicians sometime this week hopefully. I really hope to get this position as it will really help out our family and plus I think it would be an interesting job change.

Will has continued to do battery sales with Battery Supply Store and also works on four wheelers, scooters, and motorcycles on the side. He has been working on purchasing the battery store so we can just run and develop it on our own. What a process! I really hope that works out. Will also has the opportunity to hang out with the kids while I am at work. He definatley got thrown into the water with this one, but he is doing great with them. It is definately a challenge to take care of two babies and a 2 year old around dinner time. Will has learned the importance of a schedule and getting the babies and Kaleb to bed at a decent time and giving them baths. I'm sure bath time is not Will's favorite time of the day, but he does it anyway. He has been working hard trying to keep on top of life. He has always wanted to be self employed and so is working on purchasing the battery store.

Thomas, oh my Thomas. He has been such a fussy little boy. He definatley has his happy times of the day and not so happy times. We are in the middle of trying to figure out why he cries so much. At first I thought it was just he was a fussy baby, but he definately should have outgrown it my now. So, I am working with Will and the pediatrician to figure out what is discomforting him. Despite that, he loves to be an active little boy. He loves to roll and talk even more then his sister does. His favorite activity is to sit in his walker and play. He just loves standing. I think once he can walk around by himself he is going to be a happy camper. He has finallly learned that he can stand and push off the ground in the walker and push himself around. Oh yeah, he went to the pediatrician for his 6 month appointment too and he weighed in at 15.4 lbs too. He is 1.5 inches taller then Kimberly so he looks smaller, but he isn't, just skinnier. Thomas has loved to eat baby food since he was 4 months old. He is the cleanest eater for a baby. Doesn't want to waste a single bite. He is definately not a fan of nap time and always has to be in the action. I love my Thomas!

Kimberly is my cutie. We just recently took her to her six month appointment and everything is looking great. She weighed in at 15.4 lbs. She is climbing right on into the regular charts. She is starting to actually swallow her baby food instead of spitting all back out on her bib. She has such cute little baby chub rolls that are fun to tickle. She has learned to roll over and has been talking a ton. The other day she rolled over to Thomas and both of them started just talking away. Then Kimberly just started out in a full on laugh. I don't know what those two were conspiring, but they were having a good ol' time. She also has her two lower teeth that decided to finally come in after 4 months of teasing her. Kimberly is very laid back and not too fussy, although I think she is starting to learn from her brother Thomas that if you cry you get attention. Oh well, what do you do. My kids definately keep me running. I love my Kimberly!

Kaleb has grown like a weed. He is interested in anything I am interested in. I love how he likes doing a variety of activities so it doesn't drive me nuts to play with trains all day, or watch movies all day. His favorite activity lately is to take his toy airplane and go to the airport. Our small little airport sits on top of a hill/cliff. Maybe I'll have to take a picture next time we are up there. It is an amazing view of St George, well at least old town St George. If we are lucky we are able to watch a few airplanes take off and land. Since there is a flight school up there, the other day we got to watch a helicopter fly in circles flying about 30 feet from the ground right in front of us. Kaleb would get so excited when it would fly by. He also loves to watch movies on his little portable dvd player Grandma got him for Christmas. Apparently I need to screen his movies a little better because he has been coming out with some really not so nice things. The other day he said something about a "stupid head". Thank you Lilo & Stitch. He is so good about not repeating everything he hears if I tell him it is not a nice thing to say. He definitely way to serious of a kid sometimes. I just love the times where he just starts laughing. His laugh is contagious. Kaleb loves to sing. He will be playing in his room and I will hear him making up his own songs in his room. His favorite song is one I made up about playing with the kids. "I love my Thomas, I love my Kimberly, I love my Kaleb boy. We like to play all day long", and then we sing what things we like to do in the day like playing with cars, going to airport, etc. I love my Kaleb! He is so upbeat and keeps me on my toes.

Well, that is it for this month. I hope all is going well with everyone. Until next month!