Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2010

Things continue to get more and more chaotic in our lives here in St George.

Will has been putting more and more time in at his shop that he has opened. It slowly is doing better and supporting itself. Being self employed is definitely way stressful, but hopefully pay off once it is developed more.
Amy continues to work at the hospital at nights and is working on finding a good day shift that will work well with everyone's schedule. She has also started a Master's degree in Health Administration this last month. Definitely no spare time anymore.

Kaleb has been learning so much still. He now can count to 20, knows his basic shapes and colors, and can spell his name. He has quite the imagination and loves to rough house with Thomas and Kimberly already. He can barely wait for them to get strong enough to hold their own.

Thomas and Kimberly both have been getting around the house way too well. They officially turned 1 and have the pictures to prove it. They had such a great birthday. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Sawyer on their birthday. I'm pretty sure that they will never visit in the middle of July again. Poor dad was melting, but hopefully enjoyed hanging out with his grand kids. Kimberly loved sitting with Grandpa and playing games with Grandpa. Kimberly has been doing extremely well with copying sounds. She has mastered mama, dada, papa, and other sounds. She always pretends that the tv remote is a phone and talks her special way of talking. Thomas is doing pretty well with his words as well. They are not quite walking yet, but working on it.

It was great again to have a visit from Mom & Dad. Will was especially grateful as Dad built a nice set of shelves for Will's work. They are definitely being used. Will and I have been trying to slide in some fun every now and again to keep us sane. We took the family to the community pool. This was by far the most awesome city pool I have ever been to. Kaleb loved the water slides and river.

Well, that is about it for us this month. I hope everyone had a great month.

Mom and Dad
Becky and kids filled one week with fun and laughter. We always enjoy having any of our family come for a visit. It is always amazing to see how much they are all growing up way too fast. After stuffing belongings, kids, and things for the Hardings in the car, Becky rode on the booster seat in the front to Lehi. We didn’t even have to stop very often and the kids were great. We literally dropped them and their stuff off on the curb and took off for St. George where we spent the weekend with Amy, Will and kids. If you think birthday cake for one one-year-old is messy, try two one-year-olds. While there Dad built a workbench/shelf for Will’s shop. We decided we definitely don’t want to live there. It was great to get back to our 90 degree weather from the 113 degree there.
We enjoy having Mark and family nearby. Rachel thinks we should build a house next door to them and let Mark build Dad’s shop between the two houses so he will have total access to Dad’s tools. They came over one Sunday for a dinner of grilled fish from their trip to Alaska. While here Mark and Dad were in a debate over a song that had been sung in priesthood meeting and a bet ensued with Mark’s tractor as the wager. . Because Dad was the chorister he was sure that it was “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” and Mark was sure that it was “I Believe in Christ”. So they called the person who had conducted and he agreed with Dad. Mark still wouldn’t give in so they called another friend and he had no idea, but his son said it was neither. So it is still out for further research, or maybe we’ll just let Obama solve it. Mark says, “But he will just give it to Dad!”
We hope you all enjoy a few more days with our grandchildren before school begins and that our Arizona grand kids all have a great school year.
Love to all, Mom and Dad

Brian and Jessica

Another month is gone already?? And is it really already August?? It’s been another busy month which started with our trip to Wisconsin which was really fun. It was good for Brian to see a pretty part of the state during a nice time of year, and my family really enjoyed getting to know him better. After that, I’ve been busy with work and Brian had his Manly Man Trip to Alaska, which I’m sure others will have plenty to say about. I know Brian had a really good time and we will be reaping the benefits for many many months (sea bass tonight!). Now we’re starting to get things in order for Africa in September. Vaccinations are checked off the list as of yesterday.

Steve and family

July was a very interesting month in our household. The family started off on a surprise trip to Utah, Idaho, and Arizona while I was at a basketball camp in Denver. I wasn't sure if they were ever coming back, but eventually they made it. I was so sure that they weren't coming back that I decided to move into a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER! I hope they never leave me again....

The boys and I headed to Alaska for a week with the Sawyer bro's and their male offspring. What a blast it was! I stressed out the whole time about whether they would like it, would the fish bite, would the weather cooperate, and would we all get seasick or not. I also wondered if the rest of my stuff would be gone when I got home!

As it turns out, we caught about 300 pounds of actual fillets of salmon and halibut. All seemed to have a good time. And my family and stuff were still there when we got back. The weather could have cooperated a little better, but I was impressed that none of the kids complained once (and they could have).


The Weavers

It has been a busy busy month. We started off the month with a little visit from Peggy and then the kids and I rode back to Boise with her. And then we hung out with Mom and Dad for the week. We had a great time and got a bunch of sun. It is nice to get to see Mark's family too. We came back with Mom and Dad on their way to st. george.

We have been playing a bunch of softball and we did well enough to win t-shirts this year. Hopefully this next season we can get another shirt.

Early this month I got called as a Primary President. I have been so busy. I am amazed at how many phone calls I have had to take. But we are getting organized and getting things together so hopefully it will feel less crazy as time goes on.

Toward the end of the month we went to Kolob for a long weekend. We love to be able to get away and have no worries besides hanging out with my family. This kids did well and that really makes a difference.

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